Our Key Principles
What We Do
What We Do
We offer financial literacy educational services focusing on students and young adults, engaging parents in the process. We emphasize how it is critical to establish good habits early in life, to be ahead of problems, and to leverage the power of compounding interest from a young age.
Platform Approach
We deliver our teaching content through outreach and speaking, our book, and our audio lessons and online resources. We can reach out and connect with people in many ways and in many venues -- classrooms, school events, employer sites, public forums, through youth organizations, church congregations, and online.
What We Don’t Do
Your Sherpa, LLC is not a financial advisor or dealer-broker. We do not discuss specific securities.
Value Proposition
We teach a mindset and skills that can last a life-time. The potential return on investment associated with our tangible deliverables is significant. We aim to deliver epiphany moments; sudden bursts of insight that change you in some way. In fact our teaching content is literally built around epiphanies within the framework of the three problems we are on a mission to address. Examples:
Why we must save: Have you ever considered that we NEED compounding? It isn't a bonus or luxury that our savings can be put to work for us and grow. We need savings to grow because it is unlikely that we can set aside enough for all of our future financial needs.
How to save: Have you fully considered how powerful your mindset is? You are more in control than you might think. You can choose a lifestyle of daily decisions to save and build wealth.
How to save: Have you ever thought of saving first, then living off what remains? Many people try to spend less than they earn and if they are successful that week or month then they have saved. In that approach savings happen...sometimes. Saving first, then living off what remains, prioritizes savings. Pay yourself first! Saving first requires detailed savings goals and discipline but can be life-changing.
Staying employable: Have you ever realized that nobody owes you a career? It is your responsibility to embrace the change that is occurring around you and to keep investing in yourself to stay employable. One technique is to view your career as a business. Your business is you. You must position your business to compete. No one can or will do that for you.
Getting the career you want without excessive debt: Can you remove the emotion from the high stakes decision of choosing a college? Can you remember the real goal is to get a job and career? Can you focus on your passions and choose a career that you will be driven to achieve? We teach a personal process to set career goals, to understand the future earnings power associated with those career goals, and to avoid selecting a college that would require more debt than you can reasonably pay back with your future earning power.
Our content expands on these examples and includes many additional epiphany moments. If just one of these revelations resonates with you then the time you devote to our book or online resources will be very rewarding.
To see some examples of our value proposition quantified: