Praise for
Your Sherpa
Dr. Arthur Laffer - Sr. Economic Advisor to two Presidents and winner of the Medal of Freedom
"You can do this! You can become financially literate and take more control of your life. Your Sherpa delivers a roadmap to enable your success, illustrating that financial literacy is not a tedious academic exercise but rather it is about daily, real-life decisions, and family conversations - it is literally a tool to unlock your potential and achieve better life outcomes."
Patricia Leva - Parent and President & CEO, Junior Achievement
"As a society, one of the most important things we can do for our youth is provide the tools and inspiration to make smart choices. When students own their economic success, our economy can flourish. Tyburski has provided us a great tool, Your Sherpa, making difficult topics easy for parents to guide and engage youth in their futures!"
Paul Celuch - Founder & CEO of College Assistance Plus
"As a college consultant for 16 years, I have personally witnessed the financial devastation occurring among families; manifesting in destructive college debt. Your Sherpa is a terrific tool for parents and students to create strategies early on to prevent this 'financial opioid' from taking hold. A GREAT addition to any family's library."
Jeffrey Leyonmark - President of GA Leyonmark Insurance Inc.
"I’ve mentored high school students as a member of the National Academy Foundation’s Academy of Finance program. The common thread in today’s youth is a lack of foundational knowledge about savings and financial stewardship. Financial literacy must start in the home, and start early! Your Sherpa helps parents help children, plain and simple."
Ebrahim Busheri - Director of Investments, Manning & Napier
"I have had the pleasure of knowing Jeff for over 20 years. Working together on an investment team, his passion for doing what is right for clients shined through. I am confident he can convey his message because he demonstrated that for me when he revamped and ran our internal school for new analysts, promoting best practices and lessons learned."
Keith McCullough - Founder & CEO of Hedgeye
"Process, process, process! Tyburski provides a great practitioner’s process for parental guidance on finance."
John Callard - High School Counselor
"If I or my children had this book in high school, we would have made different life decisions. Fortunately, it is available for you. I use this book in my role as a high school counselor working with students who are weighing their college and career options. Easy to read and loaded with anecdotes, this book is a road map for better life outcomes."